About this Blog

So just a few things about why I started this food blog and what I hope to do with it and explain certain things.

I've always wanted to do a blog but I never could come up with the right topic to write about. I mean I could write about myself but that would be boring, who really wants to read my rant about my boring school life full of exams and studying? But now, I believe I have the right topic, the right passion, and the right idea of what I want to write about.

There's a million food blogs out there but I don't care; I don't care if this blog doesn't become famous or whatnot because this blog is for my family, friends, anyone who wants to read it, and most importantly for myself. Beyond the desire to keep a record of my culinary adventures and 'experiments', this blog is for me to regain/retain/improve my writing skills. I enjoy writing, and I especially enjoyed creative writing when I was younger, but I feel like these last few years of being a science major has seriously put a dent in my writing abilities. I know I got good at writing when I was younger because I wrote a lot of stories on my own, so this time around, I'm going to write a blog instead.

So onto about the blog itself... I'm not a big fan of writing recipes out so I won't (unless it's a baking recipe). Yes, I know they're helpful with all their measurements of each individual ingredient. But the way I see it, baking is chemistry but cooking is an art.

In baking, you can't alter a recipe too much or else it can change the texture, taste, or maybe the whole entire thing won't even come together so a recipe is necessary. But for cooking, its all about tasting and adjusting it, there's no need to follow a set recipe, all you need are the methods and techniques... if you like a stronger garlic flavor, why not add more garlic than the recipe states? (Just keep your garlic breath to yourself, lol.)

What kind of food will I write about? Desserts, Appetizers, Main Courses.... anything goes, and pretty much anything goes for what type of cuisine... I live in NYC, it's a cultural melting pot and I love to try all kinds of foods... short of eating insects.

Finally, bear with me as I figure out food photography, as I am not perfect with plating or finding the perfect background and artistic displaying the food behind such a background. Hopefully I will improve as time progresses. But also, I will be writing about food from older pictures when I don't have time to cook or come up with something new. I have a small collection of food pictures from these past few years.

So if you've read this entire 'essay', wow... congrats and I hope you enjoy the blog!